The File menu on the main menu bar contains all the commands that are relevant to operating files.
The Edit menu on the main menu bar contains all the commands for manipulating 3D entities in the scene.
Undo / Redo
(Ctrl + Z / Ctrl + Y)
To undo or redo the last action.
To delete one or more selected objects.
Select / Select All
• Select: To switch to select mode for selecting objects.
• Select All: To select every 3d entity in the scene.
Move / Rotate /Scale
(W / E / R)
To transform the selected objects. However, the Scale tool does not work on characters.
Multi-Duplicate To duplicate a prop into multiple copies with identical settings.
Align This item contains a sub-menu with two features.
• Align Object: This command aligns objects such as props, accessories and trees in an aligned
position. You may also space objects within a fixed distance. This is useful when you need to re-
locate scattered objects in order.
• Align to (Ctrl + L): This command align and snap a 3D entity to another targeted object without moving the object.
Link This item contains a sub-menu with two features.
• Link: This command sets a key or keys to connect one or more objects to another.
• Unlink: This command sets a key or keys to disconnect one or more objects that have been
linked together.
Attach This item contains a sub-menu in which two features exist.
• Attach: This command adheres one or more objects to another one.
• Detach: This command disassembles one or more objects that have been attached to another one.
Merge This command merges a set of parent-child props that is composed by the Attach command into a single prop.
Visible This command sets a key or keys to show or hide one or more 3D objects.
Camera This item contains a sub-menu with two features.
• Auto Level: This command keeps the camera up-right (Z-up) when you rotate it.
• Smooth Movement: This command curves the camera's linear panning path that is generated by different transforming keys.
Terrain Snap This item contains a sub-menu with three features.
- Snap to Terrain: This command forces 3D objects to be align on the ground, even if it is manu-ally moved.
• Follow Terrain: This command not only forces 3D objects to be aligned on the ground when itis manually moved, but also rotates the objects to ensure they are perpendicular to the surface of the terrain.
• Off: This command turns off the Terrain Snap off.
- Bake All Substance Textures
This command bakes the substance texture to the eight channels of the prop.
- Open Mouth This command opens the mouth of your character.
- Hide Teeth This command hides the teeth in order to reveal the tongue. It is only enabled after the Open Mouth This command opens the mouth of your character.
Conform This command opens the Conform Clothing panel in order to best fit the selected cloths to the character wearing them.
Real-time Smooth This command basically tessellates a prop with low polygons into a prop with 3-time-higher polygons.
Project Settings...
(Ctrl + Shift + P)
This command displays the Project Settings panel for you to adjust the Time Unit, Global Sound
Settings, Global Physics Settings, 2D Background and shows the Information about the current project.
(Ctrl + P)
This command displays the Preference panel in which you may adjust the authoring environment of iClone to your customized one.